Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I'd like to thank...

Yesterday i was chosen as roadie of the day by Linkin Parks guitar
tech. It was a great honor and it was my duty to bestow the honor upon
someone else today. The trophy reads "for service above and beyond
roadiedom" I'm BA


Anonymous said...

Well congratulations. That is a shiny, shiny trophy. I don't know what that means, but I know aliens like shiny things. And speaking of aliens, tell Chester to stop emailing me about those body Thetan things. I don't want to take his tests.

Vera said...

Congrats! You are truely BA. While you are celebrating, I've had a tragedy. There has finally been a 30G death here in the FORK. It started with a said face, then a whirling noise and finally...death. There is a bright side though........there will be a good time shooting when you get home!