Friday, February 15, 2008

A little late Valentine for my Valentine

Sydney and I aren't really big on Valentine's day. We see no reason we should go out on a day some Saint designated a long time ago and wait extra time for a table at a restaurant. We went to Bombay House a few years ago for Vaelentine's and it was a 4 hour wait! Why would we wait for that when we could go the day before or after and wait 5 mintues? So hence the Valentines Mcdonald's tradition was born. Every year we go to Mcdonald's on Valentine's day, then we go to a nice restaurant the day before or after. This year I wasn't home so here's a little late Valentine for my lady. (Yes i ripped the valentines off Jonathan Canlas' blog)



rabidrunner said...

SERIOUSLY! It's a manifestation of the Halmark company.

Incidentally, the St Valentine's Day origin comes from the martyrdom (aka killin') of three Popes each with the name Valentine. Since popes are presumably celebate, where on earth did the romance come from?