Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Study Says 37% of Statistics are Made Up.

I sometimes wish I had the means to make highly accurate, scientific studies of completely pointless things. For example. The other day a friend and I were walking out of the mall and a big truck drove by and yelled sometime like "Lookin' good today fellas!" Now some might say "well that was nice of them" but what those people don't know is I was sporting a rather flamboyant mustache or moustache (which ever you prefer)
What i'm getting at is these guys were to trying to razz me for being gay. Which I am not. It got me thinking. I wish I could conduct a study of what types of cars people yell stupid things from. If I had to perform this study in a highly informal manner, based only on my personal experiences I think the findings would look something like this:

Picture 2.png

I feel that this chart I whipped up would be a fairly accurate reflection of what a real study would find. Here are some examples of studies that are completely pointless. Taken from various places around the web.

"People who have a tough time handling the stress of money woes are twice as likely to develop severe gum disease, a new study finds"

"According to tests made at the Institute for the Study of Animal Problems in Washington, D.C., dogs and cats, like people, are either right-handed or left-handed --- that is, they favor either their right or left paws."

(Cute, but essentially useless information. What are you going to do with it?)


rabidrunner said...

Money troubles give me the hives, not gum disease.

Anonymous said...

Give the the bank account number or Paypal address or location of a shoebox in an alley, and I will make sure your groundbreaking studies remain fully funded. This is the crap I personally need to know.

Vera said...

5 out of 4 people have trouble with fractions!