Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This Feels Like I'm on Myspace.

A- Attached or Single? Attached

B- Best Friend? Sydney "The Wife" Weston

C- Cake or pie? Generally speaking, cake. Unless there's bananananana cream pie

D- Day of choice? Saturday

E- Essential Item? myPhone. Actually my computer

F- Favorite Color? Apparently grey (gray?) every time I go shopping I gravitate towards anything grey

G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Worms. Only for there texture and long lasting triple flavor. I prefer the taste of bears however.

H- Hometown? Provo, Utah

I- Favorite Indulgence? See letter "W" below.

J- January or July? July. 5 years ago i probably would have said January, but how can you argue with fireworks, wakesurfing, and home made root beer?

K- Kids? No and No

L - Life isn't complete without? I'm going to go with laughing also.

M- Marriage date? September 21st

N- Number of brothers and sisters? 3 sisters

O- Oranges or Apples? Apples. See here

P- Phobia and fears? I'm afraid of tapeworms and candiru

Q- Quote? "When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion." Abraham Lincoln or "What we see depends mainly on what we look for." John Lubbock

R- Reason to smile? The Dude

S- Season of choice? Any season that can be wakesurfed in.

T- Tag three people? I'm not sure i know 3 regular readers that blog on regular basis. If you are and do, then I tag you.

U- Unknown fact about me? I can stand on my toes like a ballet dancer. I can also walk on my knees while folded indian style. (or is it native american style now?)

V- Vegetable? Carrots or sweet po-ta-to

W- Worst habit? Blowing my nose in the shower. Which incidentally is also my best habit. Have you tried it? There's nothing better when you're sick. Oh also. The urge (and willingness) to pick other peoples scabs.

X-Ray or Ultrasound? Never had an ultrasound so I guess X-ray by default

Y- Your favorite food? Generally speaking: Japanese. Specifically speaking: Chicken Katsu Curry from Wagamama

Z- Zodiac sign? Scorpio


Jonathan Canlas said...

uh, wagamama...i almost forgot about that place. so fantastic.